I’m Haven, the drummer for a band called “Really I Did That.” My podcast is about drums, music, soul patches, Mommy, and everything else I love.

Latest Episodes

Lava Talk: I Met a Volcano Expert

In this episode of "Really I Did That," five-year-old Haven interviews Peter Kelly, a research geologist from the Cascades Volcano Observatory. They chat about their f...

I Wrote An Audiobook

I love listening to audiobooks. In this episode, I'll tell you about the cool things I learn from audiobooks and what my favorite audiobook series is. Then I'll give y...

I'll Teach You How To Save The Earth

From sharks to the ozone layer, Haven teaches you all you need to know about how to save planet Earth. 

My Boundless Classmates Talk About Living In Italy

In this episode, my Boundless Life classmates and I talk about living in Italy: what we love, and what is different from our hometowns. 

My Preschool Class Talks About Journalism

My Mommy visited my preschool class today to talk about journalism. We got to make pretend microphones and interview our friends. Journalism is important because it he...

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